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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dawn on Skomer

The main track, looking south. Below, north valley in mist
This morning I set my alarm for half four, so that I could head down to the Harold Stone for sunrise.  The stone is a prehistoric monument, and there are a number of theories about its original use.  I was curious to see where the solstice sun would rise relative to it, and given that tomorrow (the longest day) is likely to be overcast, I took the opportunity to see the sunrise a day early.

As the dark of night receded I walked down the track to North Haven, mist drifting about me low over the ground, North Valley swathed in the fog to my left, and the sea silver smooth; there was barely a breath of wind.  The air was fresh, the flowers and vegetation damp with dew, and the sky was streaked pink and grey, with a plume of steam rising from the refinery at Milford.

Low over St David's peninsular a bank of grey cloud prevented me seeing the sun break the horizon, and in the end I had to guess at where it had initially risen.  But the island and the view out over the bay were stunning; well worth the early start!

Above, sunrise from the Harold Stone, below, the stone at dawn

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